Introduction to the Department: The Cardiology Department is located on the first floor, adjacent to CCU2. This department consists of 7 rooms and 17 beds, including 4 two-bed rooms and 3 three-bed rooms. The rooms in this department are equipped with central oxygen, central suction, cardiac monitoring, and televisions.
Direct Contact Number for the Department: 32122314-025 and 32122315-025
Head of the Department: Dr. Gholamreza Jalili
Supervisor: Marzieh Fateh
Cardiac Surgeons:
- Dr. Naser Kachouyan
- Dr. Seyed Mojtaba Mirhosseini Mousavi
- Dr. Gholamreza Jalili
- Dr. Ali Badi
- Dr. Saeed Salamat
- Dr. Masoud Mozafari
- Dr. Safieh Rezazadeh Lavaaf
Procedure for Patients Post Angiography and Angioplasty:
- Patients admitted to the Cardiology Department for angiography, after pre-angiography procedures and preparing the angiography site by the nurse, are transferred to the Cath Lab department using a wheelchair.replica watches for sale
- If angiography is done through the femoral route, after the removal of the arterial sheath, two sandbags are placed at the angiography site, and the patient is transferred back to the Cardiology Department with a nurse and services using a wheelchair.Replica Watches Shop
- After the patient is transferred to the department, strict instructions are given not to bend the patient’s leg. Vital signs are regularly checked, the exit site of the sheath is checked for bleeding and hematoma, and sandbags remain in place for 6 hours. After confirming no bleeding, the sandbag is removed. Patients can eat 2 hours after angiography and undergo ECG, as directed by the doctor.Omega Replica
- For patients who undergo radial angiography, a plastic band called TR band is applied to the radial site in the Cath Lab, filled with air. The TR band is gradually deflated by the clinical nurse using a dedicated syringe every 20 minutes. After checking for no bleeding, the band is completely opened. For radial patients, approximately 30 minutes after entering the department, they can eat, and they are advised not to bend or apply pressure to their wrist.
- Patients undergoing angioplasty are transferred to a post-Cath department (P.CCU or CCU) with the existing femoral sheath, where they are monitored. The clinical nurse in the Cardiology Department is responsible for taking over the patient from Cath Lab and transferring them to the relevant department. Upon receiving the patient from Cath Lab, the nurse checks pulse on the foot for femoral, pulse on the hand for radial, and checks oxygen saturation (for radial angiography). Also, checking for bleeding is performed.
- Angioplasty patients usually return to the Cardiology Department after 24 hours and are monitored for another 24 hours if there are no problems. They are then discharged by the attending physician.
Preoperative Routine for CABG Patients:
- Sending routine tests and markers, including (ESR, PT, PIT, BT, CT, CRP, U/A, CPK MB, LDH, Trop, BillT, D, Albumin, CBC, Uric Acid, Mg, P, Ca, AST, ALT, ALK.P, CPK, ESR, Chol, TG, K, Na, Cr, BUN, FBS, TSH, LDL, HDL), and markers (HCV, HIV, HBS).
- ECG (Electrocardiogram).
- Reserving blood products (Platelets and FFP, at least 2 units each) to be ready for use.
- Chest X-ray.
- Obtaining informed consent from the patient and their accompanying person.
- Full-body shaving.
- Creating a patient file.
- Attaching a CD and reporting angiography.
- Performing Doppler ultrasound of the carotid arteries in patients over 60, if ordered by the physician.
- Specialized consultations based on underlying diseases and diagnosis by the treating doctor (endocrinology, pulmonary, nephrology, etc.).
- Cardiac anesthesia consultation.
- Discontinuation of aspirin and Plavix (aspirin 5 days before the operation, Plavix 1 week before the operation).
- Discontinuation of heparin one dose before surgery.
- Having a right-hand IV line.
- Chest X-ray, especially for patients with respiratory conditions like COPD, etc.
- If patients are on warfarin for valve replacement, warfarin is discontinued, and heparin or Clexane injection is started as per the doctor’s order.
- NPO (nothing by mouth) for the patient 8 hours before surgery.
Postoperative Routine for Heart Surgery:
- After open-heart surgery, the patient is initially hospitalized in the ICU OH section for a maximum of 4 days. After that, they are transferred to the Cardiology Department.
- Monitoring vital signs, monitoring for arrhythmias, monitoring CVP line, monitoring patient consciousness, monitoring urine output, checking the surgical site for bleeding or abnormal discharge, and checking for bed sores.