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Section Introduction: This section is located on the first floor, adjacent to CCU2. The internal neurology section has single and double rooms (a total of 13 beds).

Contact Numbers: 32122330-025 and 32122329-025

Section Head: Dr. Seyed Jalal Hosseini

Supervisor: Malihe Parnianfar

Section Physicians:

Infectious Disease Specialists:

  • Dr. Seyed Ali Tabatabai
  • Dr. Seyed Ali Akbar Hashemi

Internal Medicine Specialists:

  • Dr. Yaser Nasiri
  • Dr. Khadem Hossein Sadeghi

Neurology Specialists:

  • Dr. Seyed Jalal Hosseini
  • Dr. Zahra Zeineli
  • Dr. Seyed Sadegh Kalantari

Respiratory Specialist:

  • Dr. Javad Nazari (Mondays)

Neurology and Psychiatry Specialist:

  • Dr. Mohammad Reza Mozaffari

Gastroenterology Specialist:

  • Dr. Hassan Rezvan


  • Dr. Hossein Saqafi

Admission Procedure:

Patients can enter the section through three methods:

  1. Direct admission
  2. From the emergency department
  3. Transfer from other departments

Discharging Patients:

Patient discharge is strictly done with a written order from the treating physician. After the discharge order is confirmed by the treating physician, the nursing staff provides necessary instructions to the patient and their companion about the discharge process. The patient’s file is prepared by the secretary for settlement, and with the guidance of the section secretary, the patient and their companion are sent to the discharge unit. The patient is given a discharge sheet, of which one copy is handed over to the relevant section, and the next copy is given to the guard. Nursing instructions on home care, treatment, nutrition, and completion of the recovery process are explained to the patient and their companion in simple and understandable language. If necessary, educational pamphlets and brochures are also provided. The prescription is given to the patient after being registered by the treating physician. The medication prescription is obtained from the pharmacy by the patient or their companion, and after examination by the relevant nurse and teaching the method of taking the medications, it is handed over to the patient or their companion.